Our HSSE Commitment
Our HSSE Commitment
Health, safety, security and environment (HSSE)
At NGC Energy, safety and reliability in our operations remains as our top priority
HSSE remains as an important facet in NGC Energy’s corporate culture. Due to the volatile nature of working with LPG, we strive to maintain stringent HSSE procedures in order to earn the confidence of our customers, shareholders and society at large. In order to protect our consumer’s best interest, we ensure that we practice the highest quality and safety standards in our products, operations and even our team. Through our corporate Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) policies, we continuously strive to:
Environmental PolicyOccupational Health And Safety Policy

Ensure safety in the general public
Manage HSSE as any other critical business activity
Have a systematic approach to HSSE management that is designed to ensure compliance with the law and to achieve continuous performance improvement
Require business partners under their operational control to apply this policy
Protect the environment
Develop energy resources, products and services that are consistent with HSSE aims
Promote a culture in which all our employees share this commitment
Set targets to improvement and measures, appraise and report performances
Engage effectively with neighbours and impacted communities
Use material and energy efficiently in our products and services
Play a leading role in promoting the best practice in our industry
Require contractors to adhere to HSSE policies and procedures
Include HSSE performance in the appraisal of staff, and reward accordingly