nc+ Metal Cutting Gas
Our Products & Services / nc+ Metal Cutting Gas
Metal Cutting Gas
Specially optimised for cutting metal in the most efficient and secure manner.
The nc+ Metal cutting gas offers better quality of cut, increased safety compared to other cutting gases, user-friendly as a well as improved cost efficiency. This revolutionary alternative cutting gas solution is exclusively offered by NGC Energy.
Benefits of nc+ Metal Cutting Gas

Achieves high combustive flame temperature of ~3300˚c

More cost-effective compared to Acetylene (DA), since cylinder inventory is lower

Effectively cuts metal up to 300mm (12 inches)

Smooth cutting with minimal slag formation

Free from withdrawal pressure limits, safer and more stable compared to acetylene (DA)
Other Benefits
High penetration
Clean cutting due to narrower kerfs
Minimal / easy handling and storage
No sooty flame (smoke) released during entire process
Reduction of C02 release by almost 50% at 38mm thickness
Reduction in overall consumption of fuel
Even flame to avoid overheating of cut surface



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